Fishing In Anchorage Alaska

Anchorage, Alaska 

The peninsula on which Anchorage sits is flat. Some clean runoff from the mountains flows into Cook Inlet, and has created conditions for salmon to increase each summer.

Because Anchorage is near the large water mass of Cook Inlet,  summer is cooler and winter is warmer than in the Interior. So Anchorage area weather is milder than the rest of state

Anchorage is the center of the entire state of Alaska and has more than half of the  entire state's population. Anchorage is not only a dense population center, but it also has geographical and climatic advantages so fishing opportunities are abundant. 

Fishing in Anchorage Alaska

The Anchorage area includes all lakes, streams from Eklutna River to Ingram Creek in Turnagain Arm.

The result of hatchery stockings brought sport fishing in Anchorage, in both streams and lakes. Most Anchorage area lakes are stocked two times each year and do not support a wild, natural population of fish.

Streams, lakes in the area and nearby, anglers can catch King Salmon, Silver Salmon,  Pink Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden, Grayling and more like monster halibut, trophy trout. There is no saltwater fishing from the port of Anchorage. 

Salmon begin showing up in May .

Ice fishing is popular on lakes in the area during the cold months.

Here are top spots for fishing in the Anchorage Bowl 





Ship Creek

King salmon, silver salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, rainbow trout, arctic char.

Best for king salmon, “King Salmon Derby” is held on Ship Creek in June every year. 

World’s only urban king salmon fishery.

Chester Creek

Silver Salmon, Pink Salmon, Dolly Varden, Rainbow Trout

Salmon fishing is prohibited to protect spawners.

Lake Otis

Dolly Varden, Rainbow Trout

Goose Lake

not fish yet

Cheney Lake

King salmon, Rainbow Trout

Waldron Pond

This lake has not been stocked yet

University Lake

Silver salmon, Rainbow Trout

Campbell Point Lake

King salmon, Arctic Char, Rainbow Trout

DeLong Lake

King salmon, Arctic Char, Rainbow Trout

Sand Lake

King salmon, Arctic Char, Grayling, Rainbow Trout

Jewel Lake

King Salmon, Dollly Varden, Rainbow Trout

Campbell Lake

It is bordered entirely by private land so the lake has not been stocked, and fishing is prohibited.

Campbell Creek

King salmon, Silver, Sockeye, Dolly Varden, Rainbow Trout

It is the second most popular fishing stream in the Anchorage area.

Taku Lake

King salmon, Rainbow Trout

Here is a table of most of the popular fishing area on JBER (Joint Base Elmendorf/ Richardson)  and in the surrounding area north of town.




Beach Lake

King Salmon, Grayling, Rainbow Trout 

Edmonds Lake

Rainbow Trout

Upper Fire Lake

Rainbow Trout, Northern Pike

Most of the lakeshore is private land

Lower Fire Lake

Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden, Grayling, Northern Pike 

The most effective fishing on the lake is by small boat

Clunie Lake

King salmon, Coho Salmon, Arctic Char, Lake Trout, Rainbow Trout 

The lake is the largest lake on Fort Richardson 

Waldon Lake

Rainbow Trout, 

Thompson Lake

Rainbow Trout

Eagle River

5 species of Pacific salmon, Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden, Grayling. 

The origin of the river is the glacier and carries a heavy load of glacial.

Gwen Lake

Rainbow Trout

The lake is only about 6 feet deep

Otter Lake

Sixmile Creek

King salmon, Sockeye salmon, Silver salmon, Chum salmon, Pink salmon, Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden. 

Fishing is restricted to the outflow the Knik Arm of Cook Inlet.

Sixmile Lake

King Salmon, Rainbow Trout

Spring Lake

King Salmon, Rainbow Trout

Green Lake

Silver Salmon, Rainbow Trout 

Hillberg Lake

King Salmon, Rainbow Trout 

Fish Lake

Rainbow Trout 

Triangle Lake

Rainbow Trout 

Ship Creek

5 species of Pacific salmon, Arctic Char 

Dishno Pond

Rainbow Trout 


Anchorage is an initial destination for tens of thousands of fishers. Remember what people in Alaska say “It is about the fishing, not the catching” Let go to catch fish and also do not miss enjoy stunning scenery around you.